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Company Profile Detail

CORPWELL INTERIOR DESIGN LTD., established since 2002, Registered Minor Work Contractor, keeps playing a leading role as commercial office interior design & contracting specialist in Hong Kong, by completion of varies of interior design and fit out projects from different representative public and private corporation clients throughout years, especially in commercial office interior design and fit out sectors.


CORPWELL INTERIOR DESIGN LTD.  provides professional interior design planning to each of our clients to fulfill your aims at functional requirements with the most cost-effective space solutions.

Therefore, it is the most important decision-making juncture for smart business investors, which they could easily pay off in increasing efficiency and productivity of their corporation.

View More Reference
Playscope (Expansion Shop)
Children play centre: 2250 sq.ft.
Children play centre design & build construction Turnkey design consultation, space planning, filing capacity calculation, floor loading calculation, furniture design & installation, all fitting-out construction works (incl. Wooden board partition & Partitioning wall, Wooden Door & fence, Ceramic wall tiles, flooring & tile flooring, wash basin, brick walls, glass double main doors, roller shutter & roller blinds with electrical remote controller, false ceiling & metal mesh ceiling, LED emergency light & pinewood ceiling light shell, feature glass pane, Air Conditioner, Sanitary Wares, Water Piping & Drainage works & Fire Services Installation) Liasion with office building management office, office building management office nominated fire services sub-contractor, telecom vender,...
Children play centre design & build construction Turnkey design consultation, space planning, filing capacity calculation, floor loading calculation, furniture design & installation, all...
Children play centre design & build construction Turnkey design consultation, space planning, filing capacity calculation, floor loading calculation, furniture design & installation, all fitting-out construction works (incl. Wooden board partition & Partitioning wall, Wooden Door & fence, Ceramic wall tiles, flooring & tile flooring, wash basin, brick walls, glass double main doors, roller shutter & roller blinds with electrical remote controller, false ceiling & metal mesh ceiling, LED...
Office Design & Build Projects - Clariant (China) Ltd
20,000 sq.ft.Mettroplaza, Kwai Fong
Whole storey office design & build construction Turnkey design consultation, space planning, filing capacity calculation, floor loading calculation, furniture design & installation, all fitting-out construction works (incl. falsed ceiling, air conditioning, water pump drainage & electrical installation, wall partitionings & doors, carpentry works, masonry work & flooring) Liasion with office building management office, office building management office nominated fire services sub-contractor, telecom vender, I.T. computer cableing vender, CCTV & security vender, access control vender & telecom vender etc. Zones: reception, conference rooms, pantry, machine areas, filing rooms, 24hrs computer room, manager rooms, director rooms and general office area
Whole storey office design & build construction Turnkey design consultation, space planning, filing capacity calculation, floor loading calculation, furniture design & installation, all fitting-out...
Whole storey office design & build construction Turnkey design consultation, space planning, filing capacity calculation, floor loading calculation, furniture design & installation, all fitting-out construction works (incl. falsed ceiling, air conditioning, water pump drainage & electrical installation, wall partitionings & doors, carpentry works, masonry work & flooring) Liasion with office building management office, office building management office nominated fire services...
Office Design & Build Projects - FDM Group HK Ltd.
6,000 sq.ft.Fairmont House, Admiralty, Hong Kong
Whole storey office design & build construction Turnkey design consultation, space planning, filing capacity calculation, floor loading calculation, furniture design & installation, all fitting-out construction works (incl. falsed ceiling, air conditioning, water pump drainage & electrical installation, wall partitionings & doors, carpentry works, masonry work & flooring) Liasion with office building management office, office building management office nominated fire services sub-contractor, telecom vender, I.T. computer cableing vender, CCTV & security vender, access control vender & telecom vender etc. Zones: reception, conference rooms, pantry, machine areas, filing rooms, 24hrs computer room, manager rooms, director rooms and general office area
Whole storey office design & build construction Turnkey design consultation, space planning, filing capacity calculation, floor loading calculation, furniture design & installation, all...
Whole storey office design & build construction Turnkey design consultation, space planning, filing capacity calculation, floor loading calculation, furniture design & installation, all fitting-out construction works (incl. falsed ceiling, air conditioning, water pump drainage & electrical installation, wall partitionings & doors, carpentry works, masonry work & flooring) Liasion with office building management office, office building management office nominated fire services...

 Self Photos / Files - News 1 -滙豐智樂遊戲萬象館 Sunday Kiss

Playscope (Expansion Shop)

Newspaper: Sunday Kiss


Self Photos / Files - news 5 (PCM 電腦廣場 2015年 12月)

Playscope (Expansion Shop)

Newspaper: PCM 電腦廣場




Self Photos / Files - news 3 -孕媽媽 Pregnancy (2017年  1月) copy

Playscope (Expansion Shop)

Newspaper: Pregnancy



Self Photos / Files - news 6 - 忽然一週 2014年 12月

Playscope (Expansion Shop)

Newspaper: 忽然一週


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Corpwell Interior Design Limited
Corpwell Design & Engineering Limited
Unit 3, 13/F., King's Commercial Building,
2-4 Chatham Court,
Tsim Sha Tsui,
Hong Kong
(Design Materials Center - By Appointment Only)
+852 2264 1533
+852 3522 1938
Monday - Friday 9:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m.
Saturday 9:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.
Sundays and Public Holidays Off
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Copyright © Corpwell Interior Design Limited - Office Design Company | 辦公室設計 | 寫字樓室內設計| 裝修 | 辦公室裝修.